Friday, September 5, 2014

Free Time Fridays [1]

Free Time Fridays is a weekly meme created and hosted by eatupmyfreetime. On Fridays we will recap how we spent our free time during the week + our plans for the weekend! ie. Did you read? If so, what books? Did you shop? Listen to any cool tunes? Binge watch any cool TV shows? Take any trips lately? I want to hear all about it!! You can either mention ALL of the ways you spent your free time that week or focus on one activity. Whatever your heart desires!
How I spent my free time this week:
I didn't actually have that much free time this week. On Tuesday I had my first day of work. I worked Wednesday and Thursday. Tonight I have a baseball game to go to. When I wasn't at work, I was usually sleeping or writing things for my blog.
I really hardly read this week and I'm really upset about it. I wanted to read about 800 pages this week but Tuesday and Wednesday I read around 50 pages total. I may start taking my book to work with me and reading on break.
In the "free time" part of my week it was pretty boring. But other than that I had a great week!

Plans for this weekend:
Friday night I am going to a baseball game. Saturday I work from 3 pm to 11 pm. Sunday I am not working. Hopefully I'll get a bunch of reading done and maybe I won't even leave the bed. I forgot how tiring working 8.5 hour shifts everyday is, but I'm really enjoying the job so far.

How did you spend your free time this week? I'd love to hear about it!

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Thank you for taking the time to read my content and respond to it! I will get back to you as soon as I can. Happy reading!