Friday, September 19, 2014

Birthday Book Haul!

Yesterday was my birthday and of course I got a ton of books and more money for books that I want. I figured I should do a book haul (or birthday haul) to show what I got!

From my internet friends:
Brittany got me the cutest duck birthday card. I have no idea where she found it but it was such a fun card to read and she got me Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. Yesterday I got a book in the mail and had no idea where it came from. It came with a note from Brittany and I had NO idea that she was getting me the book. I am so excited to read it. I also got One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich from an awesome pal, Dakota

From my boyfriend's mom:
I opened a shoe books and saw all of these books. I think you can see a pattern though. Yes, two people got me One, Two, and Three. I'm giving one set to Grey's mom because she likes the series as well. She also got me Four to Score, Finger Lickin' Fifteen, Sizzling Sixteen, Smokin' Seventeen, Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich, and 1st To Die by James Patterson. The cupcake has a fake candle on it than I can blow out and it sings the birthday song. It's too cute.

From my boyfriend:
The shirt is a David Price shirsey (shirt jersey). He's a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers and I really like him. He also got me a $50 Amazon giftcard.
Aaaaaand a Kindle!!

The cover is so cute and I love the Kindle so far. It's what I wanted most so I'm glad that I got it. I ended up buying a few books and getting a few books that were free just to try them out.

It also should not surprise anyone that this was the first book I bought. I will one day get a physical copy but for now, this is perfect for me.

So altogether, this is what I got for my birthday (with $200 from my dad.) It was a great birthday and I had a ton of fun. I also loved my presents and apparently have more on the way.

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